I'm Venus Mason Theus. I've been happily married for 23 years, have a blended family which consists of 5 adult offspring and todate - 13 grandchildren ranging in age from 3 months to 21 years. My husband and I are the directors of the family ministry and facilitate an interactive bible study group for married couples at the church we attend in Detroit, Michigan. He is a licensed counselor. Last year, I self published my debut novel Brown Paper Bag - E3 Publications. I am also a freelance writer and self-proclaimed full-time family manager (that sounds better than house wife doesn't it?)
I decided to start this blog because women (and a few good men) ask me for marital advice all of the time - and they keep coming back for more! The issues couples bring to me are usually not uncommon; however the enemy would have us to believe that we're the only ones facing our challenges. I hope that you will enjoy this blog, and most of all be blessed by the information you receive. I'll start by sharing tips from a few "seasoned" ladies who are happily married.
I hope that everyone understands that a successful marriage is not error or problem free. One important element that makes marriage happy and successful is to keep that thought in mind. God must be the center of your marriage. Seek His wisdom and His will for your marriage. He will help you to weather any storm your marriage might encounter - believe I know. Venus
Tips For a "Successful" Marriage
Recently, I asked several friends and family members who are happily married to share one thing THEY do that contributes to making their marriage a happy one. Here are their responses...
"To keep a marriage strong you must take the ordinary out and put in the element of surprise. Plan a rendezvous to two." Shirley Thompson., Detroit, MI, Married 23 years
"I will muster up my Wonder Woman energy and do those things that make him smile and turn him on. And in return, I get the same, glory to God! Do unto husband as you would have him do unto you!" - Sheritha Bowman, Germantown, MD; Author & Playwright, Married 19 years
"We have date nights, which range from a beautiful night out with dinner and a movie to a bag of onion rings and a soda in front of the T.V. We make us important and if I want a date night I am not afraid to court him, (He's mine and I enjoy him)." - Cherise (Thues) Miller, Richmond, VA; Married 5 years
"I try to remember what happens if you do not have commitment. Without commitment, one begins to count and measure the contributions they make, instead of freely giving their all. - Bernadette Hardy, Southfield, Michigan; Married 44 years
My husband is a great communicator and loves to talk, so I have learned to become a good listener. In so doing, I am in tune with his feelings, desires and needs. Therefore, I am equipped to fulfill his needs without the guesswork. - Sheila Glenn, West Bloomfield, MI; Married 21 years
We have very hectic schedules because I'm completingmy masters degree, as well as, working full-time. My husband works an opposite shift from 2 to 10pm. We take a few minutes in the morning to talk and find outwhat's going in my husband's life before I head out ofthe door. At least once a week we have dinner together. We make the time so that we can catch upand see each other. Karen White Owens - Author, Detroit, Michigan; married 19 years
"Never nag him or complain about his faults, even if they drive you nuts. Smile and love him and bite your tongue." Beverly Patton, Fort Meyers, FLA., Married 48 years
My tip: Choose your battles. It's not always important to be right. Many times your husband will learn you're right without you're having to say "I told you so." - Venus
I'm Venus Mason Theus. I've been happily married for 23 years, have a blended family which consists of 5 adult offspring and todate - 13 grandchildren ranging in age from 3 months to 21 years. My husband and I are the directors of the family ministry and facilitate an interactive bible study group for married couples at the church we attend in Detroit, Michigan. He is a licensed counselor. Last year, I self published my debut novel Brown Paper Bag - E3 Publications. I am also a freelance writer and self-proclaimed full-time family manager (that sounds better than house wife doesn't it?)
I decided to start this blog because women (and a few good men) ask me for marital advice all of the time - and they keep coming back for more! The issues couples bring to me are usually not uncommon; however the enemy would have us to believe that we're the only ones facing our challenges. I hope that you will enjoy this blog, and most of all be blessed by the information you receive. I'll start by sharing tips from a few "seasoned" ladies who are happily married.
I hope that everyone understands that a successful marriage is not error or problem free. One important element that makes marriage happy and successful is to keep that thought in mind. God must be the center of your marriage. Seek His wisdom and His will for your marriage. He will help you to weather any storm your marriage might encounter - believe I know. Venus
Tips For a "Successful" Marriage
Recently, I asked several friends and family members who are happily married to share one thing THEY do that contributes to making their marriage a happy one. Here are their responses...
"To keep a marriage strong you must take the ordinary out and put in the element of surprise. Plan a rendezvous to two." Shirley Thompson., Detroit, MI, Married 23 years
"I will muster up my Wonder Woman energy and do those things that make him smile and turn him on. And in return, I get the same, glory to God! Do unto husband as you would have him do unto you!" - Sheritha Bowman, Germantown, MD; Author & Playwright, Married 19 years
"We have date nights, which range from a beautiful night out with dinner and a movie to a bag of onion rings and a soda in front of the T.V. We make us important and if I want a date night I am not afraid to court him, (He's mine and I enjoy him)." - Cherise (Thues) Miller, Richmond, VA; Married 5 years
"I try to remember what happens if you do not have commitment. Without commitment, one begins to count and measure the contributions they make, instead of freely giving their all. - Bernadette Hardy, Southfield, Michigan; Married 44 years
My husband is a great communicator and loves to talk, so I have learned to become a good listener. In so doing, I am in tune with his feelings, desires and needs. Therefore, I am equipped to fulfill his needs without the guesswork. - Sheila Glenn, West Bloomfield, MI; Married 21 years
We have very hectic schedules because I'm completingmy masters degree, as well as, working full-time. My husband works an opposite shift from 2 to 10pm. We take a few minutes in the morning to talk and find outwhat's going in my husband's life before I head out ofthe door. At least once a week we have dinner together. We make the time so that we can catch upand see each other. Karen White Owens - Author, Detroit, Michigan; married 19 years
"Never nag him or complain about his faults, even if they drive you nuts. Smile and love him and bite your tongue." Beverly Patton, Fort Meyers, FLA., Married 48 years
My tip: Choose your battles. It's not always important to be right. Many times your husband will learn you're right without you're having to say "I told you so." - Venus