The month of June is almost synonymous with weddings and most of us are likely to attend at least one. Many unmarried women will sit quietly with a pasted on smile, wondering...when will it be my turn? Well, while waiting for Brother/Dr./Reverend/Right to find you, your focus should be purely on making certain that you are a whole person in the Lord. Other than being Mrs. ______. What are your dreams and goals? Are you well traveled? What is your credit score, Have you completed your education? Is there a spiritual mission tugging at your heart? Are you walking in your calling or are you waiting to get married before fulfilling this part of your destiny according to God's perfect will?
Being single is an important time to prepare for marriage. It can also be a time to experience a closer communion with God. As we seek God to cleanse us of the world and help us become the kind of wife that would bless someone, we will soon find that we are not lonely. First, the Lord would begin using us to bless others; then we will find we are content in Him.
Eventually, if your being married is God's will for you, He will bless you with a wonderful mate so that both lives can be a witness for Him. However, if a marriage cannot glorify the Lord, then it would be better to remain alone. There are worse things than being alone. One of these is to be out of God's will by compromising and marrying someone who is not chosen for you by God.
The mistake many women make is putting their lives on hold for fear that they will miss the opportunity to meet the right man. God certainly does honor marriage and holds it in high esteem; however He wants us all to be all that we can be in Him first and foremost.
Sadly, too many delay a calling then try to play catch up after marriage only to find that they've forsaken their first love - Jesus Christ, in order to obtain the love of someone who may not be God's perfect choice for a life partner.
Admittedly, I had what I call a practice marriage many years ago. My former husband and I were as different as night and day, however; at the tender age of 21 I thought I could "fix" all the things that were wrong with "him." It wasn't until years later that I realized our failed marriage wasn't all his fault. I came to the realization that I hadn't been true to myself - or to God when I married him, yet I expected God to just fix it.
Life as a single woman, focused on pleasing God can be rich and fulfilling. When I met the man the Lord had prepared for me, I was not (actively) looking for a mate. I was a single mother of a 4-year-old at the time and was diligently seeking to please the Lord. Was I perfect, oh my God no! I was very flawed and to be honest still had lingering emotional (not physical) scars stemming from my failed marriage. Not to mention the fact that I had given up on obtaining a college education or a professional career. Nevertheless, the Lord knew the desires of my heart, the desires that HE had placed there - and brought them to pass.
While I waiting for the Lord, I prepared myself for marriage by listening, watching and asking questions of those who were where I wanted to be in life. Spiritually, as well as naturally. I began to act on my faith and one day typed a list of the characteristics I wanted my new husband to have. I kept that "grocery" list taped to the inside of the tiny bible that I carried everywhere with me. I can honestly say is all that my husband is all that I asked for - and then some. To God Be the Glory!
Note that I didn't ask God for superficial things like wealth and riches. Hmm, I wonder what would have happened if I had listed wealth? Oh well. Instead, I asked him for things like saved, holy, romantic, educated, a good sense of humor, etc. I was unaware that I had listed "faithful" twice. Couldn't hurt - huh?
In 1984, my husband, my sole mate FOUND ME at the very church I'd attended the majority of my life. An usher seated me next to him during our annual church family's business meeting. I had arrived late, with my young daughter in tow. Since I was late I couldn't sit in the area I customarily sat in and it was so crowded that there wasn't even a seat for her, so I she had to sit on my lap. She kept kicking her "future father" and fortunately he was patient and understanding. Not long afterward, we began dating. After we had only been dating for a short period, he unabashedly told me that the Lord revealed to him that I was going to be his wife. At first I wasn't convinced because the Lord did not reveal that to me until much later. We went through several trials as a couple, including breaking off our engagement originally. It wasn't until we reconnected and both diligently sought the Lord, that we were married. The rest as they say, is history.
So ladies, be encouraged in the Lord and occupy yourself with wholesome, healthy activities until the man of your dreams comes to FIND YOU.
Recommended reading
The Bible
Proverbs 3:4-6
Proverbs 18:22
Psalm 37:4
Ruth 3:18
Esther 2:17
Inspirational Fiction
Brown Paper Bag, by Venus Mason Theus
He's Fine, But is He Saved? by Kimberley Brooks
Being single is an important time to prepare for marriage. It can also be a time to experience a closer communion with God. As we seek God to cleanse us of the world and help us become the kind of wife that would bless someone, we will soon find that we are not lonely. First, the Lord would begin using us to bless others; then we will find we are content in Him.
Eventually, if your being married is God's will for you, He will bless you with a wonderful mate so that both lives can be a witness for Him. However, if a marriage cannot glorify the Lord, then it would be better to remain alone. There are worse things than being alone. One of these is to be out of God's will by compromising and marrying someone who is not chosen for you by God.
The mistake many women make is putting their lives on hold for fear that they will miss the opportunity to meet the right man. God certainly does honor marriage and holds it in high esteem; however He wants us all to be all that we can be in Him first and foremost.
Sadly, too many delay a calling then try to play catch up after marriage only to find that they've forsaken their first love - Jesus Christ, in order to obtain the love of someone who may not be God's perfect choice for a life partner.
Admittedly, I had what I call a practice marriage many years ago. My former husband and I were as different as night and day, however; at the tender age of 21 I thought I could "fix" all the things that were wrong with "him." It wasn't until years later that I realized our failed marriage wasn't all his fault. I came to the realization that I hadn't been true to myself - or to God when I married him, yet I expected God to just fix it.
Life as a single woman, focused on pleasing God can be rich and fulfilling. When I met the man the Lord had prepared for me, I was not (actively) looking for a mate. I was a single mother of a 4-year-old at the time and was diligently seeking to please the Lord. Was I perfect, oh my God no! I was very flawed and to be honest still had lingering emotional (not physical) scars stemming from my failed marriage. Not to mention the fact that I had given up on obtaining a college education or a professional career. Nevertheless, the Lord knew the desires of my heart, the desires that HE had placed there - and brought them to pass.
While I waiting for the Lord, I prepared myself for marriage by listening, watching and asking questions of those who were where I wanted to be in life. Spiritually, as well as naturally. I began to act on my faith and one day typed a list of the characteristics I wanted my new husband to have. I kept that "grocery" list taped to the inside of the tiny bible that I carried everywhere with me. I can honestly say is all that my husband is all that I asked for - and then some. To God Be the Glory!
Note that I didn't ask God for superficial things like wealth and riches. Hmm, I wonder what would have happened if I had listed wealth? Oh well. Instead, I asked him for things like saved, holy, romantic, educated, a good sense of humor, etc. I was unaware that I had listed "faithful" twice. Couldn't hurt - huh?
In 1984, my husband, my sole mate FOUND ME at the very church I'd attended the majority of my life. An usher seated me next to him during our annual church family's business meeting. I had arrived late, with my young daughter in tow. Since I was late I couldn't sit in the area I customarily sat in and it was so crowded that there wasn't even a seat for her, so I she had to sit on my lap. She kept kicking her "future father" and fortunately he was patient and understanding. Not long afterward, we began dating. After we had only been dating for a short period, he unabashedly told me that the Lord revealed to him that I was going to be his wife. At first I wasn't convinced because the Lord did not reveal that to me until much later. We went through several trials as a couple, including breaking off our engagement originally. It wasn't until we reconnected and both diligently sought the Lord, that we were married. The rest as they say, is history.
So ladies, be encouraged in the Lord and occupy yourself with wholesome, healthy activities until the man of your dreams comes to FIND YOU.
Recommended reading
The Bible
Proverbs 3:4-6
Proverbs 18:22
Psalm 37:4
Ruth 3:18
Esther 2:17
Inspirational Fiction
Brown Paper Bag, by Venus Mason Theus
He's Fine, But is He Saved? by Kimberley Brooks