Since we're in the midst of super hot weather I'd like to recommend that you enjoy this one poolside (even if you have to dangle your feet in the kiddies' wading pool) while sipping on a tall cool drink. My recommendation, Plantation Tea (which by the way is mentioned in my novel, Brown Paper Bag)
Recipe for Plantation Tea
12 tea bags
3 bunches of mint leaves
3 c sugar
2 c lemon juice
1 qt pineapple juice
4 liters ginger ale
Boil 3 1/2 gallons water. Add the tea, mint and sugar. Allow to steep for 30 minutes. Remove bags and leaves. Refrigerate. Just before serving, add lemon juice, pineapple juice and ginger ale. Splash over ice. Stay cool and enjoy!

Revell Books
August 2008
$12.99 US
Learn more about Marilynn Griffith http://marilynngriffith.com/
Grace Okoye was a promising young dancer when her career was cut short by a brutal assault that left her scarred for life. Twenty years later, when her past gets in the way of her happiness, she heeds the invitation of her dance instructor and returns home to help hurting children and rediscover the rhythms of grace. What she doesn't expect is to meet a man who already seems to know her beat. But for all they share in common, the biggest thing in Grace's life is noticeably absent in his--faith. She's finally found the love of her life, but can she choose between him and God?
Real, raw emotion and the promise of redemption run through this soulful new book from Marilynn Griffith. Though being published in 2008, this is the first novel Marilynn ever completed and early readers think it's her best work to date.