Someone must have pressed the fast forward button on summer. I went shopping today and was saddened to see that they've already started putting out school supplies! I still haven't set out my pink wax begonias and fuschia colored impatiens for goodness sake.
Nevertheless, the powers-that-be have deemed summer half over and we'd better squeeze every bit of joy that we can out of it. Those of us who live in the mid-west will be scaping ice off our windshields and opening heating bills with our fingers crossed all too soon.
But for the time being, it's sizzling. A Wise Wife realizes that "me time" is not an option, but rather a requirement. During this season of sweltering heat, I recommend that you treat the kids to an entire day out with dad. Once you have the house to yourself set the ringer on your telephone to silent then indulge in a cooling, soothing shower. Afterward, retreat to your favorite at-home sanctuary with a pitcher of something cold and delicious; then lose yourself in a riveting novel. Enjoy!
Venus' Picks
Cool Down Shower: Plain, old school Noxema on a netted spongeScented candle: Glade's Suddenly Spring
Novel: the Darkest Child, by Delores Phillips
Venus' Really Easy and Delicious Watermelon Lemonade - did I mention it's easy?
In a blender or food processor, puree 3-4 cups seedless watermelon and set aside
Prepare a pitcher of Countrytime Lemonade mix according to directions on the container
Stir puree'd melon into the pitcher of Countrytime
Optional: Add lemon and/or lime slices
Serve over ice
*Frozen melon balls or strawberries can be substituted for ice cubes
About the Darkest Child...
Prior to the completion of my debut novel, Brown Paper Bag, I visited a local Border's bookstore to visualize where my book will be placed when it hits their shelves. This is part of what I refer to as Dream Casting. As I sought my bookstore real estate in the African American Fiction section, my attention was drawn to the cover of this book. From the cover alone I knew it was destined to become a part of my permanent library. Wise Wives, I've never formally compiled a list of my all-time favorite novels, but if I ever do I can guarantee that the Darkest Child will be among the top ten.
Phillips is an author I've not had the pleasure of meeting or even exchanging emails with. She's a complete mystery to me and trust me I can usually track an author down when I'm in love with their work. Nevertheless, this novel is an absolute must read. Your emotions will run high, deep and wide! I must warn you, this is NOT a feel good book! It is powerful, ugly and brutal. Your heart will want to tuck it away someplace between the warm and fuzzies, but your mind won't allow you to put it down. It pulls the covers off the bed of family dysfunction, racism and human cruelty.
The following will link you to a synopsis and reviews from Amazon.com. http://www.amazon.com/review/product/1569473455/ref=cm_cr_pr_link_1