Consequently, I made a mess of my finances and nearly forfeited my future. I’m certain that many of you have heard a number of sermons, read books and attended at least one wealth building workshop. If so, I want to reinforce what you've learned by encouraging you to "kick it up a notch." I applaud those of you who are already operating in fiscal wisdom; but for those of you who may be headed down the same path that I was on; I implore you to make a U-turn immediately! Do whatever it takes to get yourself on not only stable, but fiscally fertile ground.
Step One: Take Ownership
For some, the following doesn't apply. But for anyone whose finances are bruised or in trouble because of something you've done, or perhaps failed to do, honestly admitting your error is the first step to recovery.
Step Two: Repent and Ask Forgiveness
Most of the time when we think of repentance and forgiveness, sins like lying, cheating, stealing, backbiting, etc. come to mind. But do you realize that misappropriating the monetary sustenance that God provides us with is a sin as well? Do you subscribe to God's financial premises or have you robbed Him of the tithes and offerings He requires? Malachi 3:10 KJV
Step Three: Identify Your Issues with Money
Money mishandling can stem from a number of different sources which could even be tied into your emotions. Sometimes people handle money recklessly for reasons that are rooted in anger or in an attempt to compensate for low self esteem. Ask God to give you the strength to take a cold, hard look at the how and why of your finances. If you earn a decent salary, but find that you're always chasing money - only to have it seemingly disappear, then there is an underlying issue that needs to be uprooted.
Step Four: Seek Wise Counsel
It's no secret that nearly everyone is feeling the affects of today's economic crunch. The extent to which you are having financial difficulties is relative to your own individual situation. You may be able to simply cut corners here and there to get your finances on track. But if you are drowning in debt, it would be wise to ask the Lord to direct you to a reputable financial professional who will help you map out a plan of salvation for your finances.
Step Five: Set Goals
The biggest mistake I made with my finances is not knowing where my money was going to end up. Sure, you know you have certain monthly bills that have to be paid or else you'll end up living in somebody's basement. You have to be able to accurately track your money. Most of us have Excel or a similar spreadsheet program already loaded onto our computers, but for those who need a template based program, perhaps you might do well by investing in an accounting program like Quicken. You will need to do some research to find which system works best for you.
Step Six: Get to Work!
Faith without works is dead. You can recite affirmations, consult the experts and pray three times a day facing the east all you want; but if you don't put legs on those prayers, affirmations and advice it's all for naught. If you're financially solid right now, consider enlarging your territory and build upon what you've established. But if you're in over your head and not earning enough money to pull yourself out of the hole, it might be necessary to seek a part-time job, start a typing service or do hair in your kitchen to earn extra money, for example. Who knows, this could turn out to be the catalyst to take you from a mundane, perhaps even worrisome life, to becoming a savvy money mogul.
Step Seven: LEAP!
In her book, Sisters are Cashing In, Marilyn French Hubbard, Ph.D. identifies the road to financial success as a "wealth-creation journey that enables you to gain both inner and external wealth." French Hubbard states that this journey requires you to believe in four principles: Love, Energy, Authenticity and Purpose, which form the acronym LEAP. She goes on to say "we have to love ourselves as we truly are, have energy for what we do, be authentic in our approach to life, be true to our word and (my favorite part) have a purpose and dream that makes us want to be bigger than who we are, to achieve something that benefits more people than just ourselves."
Declaration of Financial Empowerment
(an adaption of a submission from Black Enterprises Magazine).
"From this day forward, I declare my vigilant and lifelong commitment to financial empowerment and hereby pledge the following..."
1. I will bring my tithes to the storehouse.
2. I will use home ownership as a foundation for building wealth.
3. I will be proactive in managing my budget, credit, debt and tax obligations.
4. I will maximize my earning potential, live within my means and commit to saving and investing at least 10% of my income.
5. I will ensure that my investments are properly diversified and correspond to my current financial goals.
6. I will immediately commit to a program of retirement planning and investing.
7. I will preserve and protect my assets through proper financial and insurance planning.
8. I will ensure that my children receive a thorough education on financial and business matters.
9. I will ensure that my wealth is passed on to future generations through proper estate planning.
10. I will use a portion of my wealth to strengthen my community.
2. I will use home ownership as a foundation for building wealth.
3. I will be proactive in managing my budget, credit, debt and tax obligations.
4. I will maximize my earning potential, live within my means and commit to saving and investing at least 10% of my income.
5. I will ensure that my investments are properly diversified and correspond to my current financial goals.
6. I will immediately commit to a program of retirement planning and investing.
7. I will preserve and protect my assets through proper financial and insurance planning.
8. I will ensure that my children receive a thorough education on financial and business matters.
9. I will ensure that my wealth is passed on to future generations through proper estate planning.
10. I will use a portion of my wealth to strengthen my community.
"A wise steward will not only manage her day-to-day financial operations prudently, but plans for her future and prepares an inheritance for her children's children."